Getting hold of a long term rental in Lloret de Mar in this current climate is becoming difficult.
With house prices rocketing and with no sign of a decline soon, long term rentals are now hot property. If your currently looking for a long term rental, here are a few pointers to get you started.
Not all agencies have long term rentals on their books, try advertising youreslf in Supermarkets, Cafes and Bars saying that your looking for a long term rental.
Check out the small print when signing your rental contract, water, gas and electricity may have to be signed into your name. Have all documents up to date, passports, resident documents and bank accounts etc.
Bonds are still the most expensive thing you will pay out. Most rentals require 2-3 months rent up front, this is standard but make sure you get a reciept. Also make sure and this is the #1 tip, that you use a reputable rental agency, listed with the local council etc. Paying black money can get you and your landlord in big trouble.
When you are searching for a long term rental in Lloret de Mar it is important to know what you are looking for. Do you want a detached house or an apartment? Remember that if you are looking for an apartment, always look for the elevator. Do you really want to carrying your shopping up 3 flights of stairs every week? This might sound silly, but it is something to think about.
When you do find the property you have been looking for, always check what is included with the house. In Spain, it is common for houses or apartments to come fully furnished, do you want this? If you have your own furniture, then probably no.